lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015


Lise Meitner was born in Viena (1878) and die in Cambriedge (1968). She was phisycian who investigated the radioactivity and nuclear physics. Her group of scientis discovered the nuclear fusion. She was never consider as a co-author of it for being a woman, so, her college Otto Hahn was prized by the noble award. However, in 1966, her chemistry contributions were reconized and she was awarded Erico Fermi Award in USA.
This discovery is often consider like the best ever made by a woman. So, the 109º element of the periodic table was named meitnerio in her honor.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015


I think that this news is interesting and really enyoiable. The doblegeder could happen in all the types of animals, in each clime of the earth and in each place too. So, if you are anywhere and you see any animal with one half the body different than the other part is because it is suffering this phenomen.

This news is related to the next disciplines:
- Biology, because the gender is investigate by the biology.
- Chemistry, because some chemical changes in the enviroment could cause this.
- Zoology, because is relationated with animals.
- Genetic, because is cause by some genetic changes in theis bodies too.
- Social, people in street is watching this phenomen, and also searching for it.


Click to the title to watch the full article.

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

Refugee crisis : Germany

 This news is about the problems is suffering Europe, in this case Germany with the refugees. Germany is going to strengthen the border controls to control the emigrants number. This step has become neccesary because of the record number of people who is passing borders of Austria to Germany. I agree with this measure. But I think that Europe is suffering this poblems because of the the presidents of the warring countries are more concerned about themselfs interests than their owncitizens.


viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

Hi friends! This blog will have a new use. I will use it for a new subject, scientific culture. I'm sure that you'll like it! I will publish works that my group and I do in this new school course. The publications will be interested in NGOs an social assitments.