jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016


The part I have done has consisted in doing a research comparing the climate here and in Almeria.
I have also taken part in recording the advertisement with Azur and Sanse. I have also helped Javi doing the questionnaire. I also went to the fourth level to talk about Europe and Aiora and I spent also our time sticking stickers around the classes. I have also done my part for Ali and helped Aiora thinking about activities. Aiora Ali and I spoke with Mikel Prieto for the activity in the European day.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Nora is doing the part from the research because Xabier the teacher told her to doi it. She learns biology at school so we though tha se would be the good student for do it. She has a lot of work to do searching for the medium average of the temperature precipitations mareas... from Cádiz and Donosti during the history. 

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

I am doing the part of the research . I'm going to compare the climatic conditions between our country and another country located outside Europe.
I will need help for seaching information about the clime of somewhere and also from here. Then i will do the comparaison by my self. 
I dont know exactly when I will have finished but I think that for the 25 of Aplir could be my part done. 

lunes, 4 de abril de 2016


I have to do a reseach about different types of climes and their changes all over Europe and I want to do a comparation between them. 
My partners have to work each in a different country and search for their clime, their pollution, their spieces... Fistly, we will work in pour clime, speciflicly in Donosti. Then, we will search for the chages in the history.
SEcondly I want to campare our clime with other climes around the continent.
Finally, Wwe will do a final conclusion with the changes.


lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016


 The last term of this year we are going to be speakin and devating obout climatic cgange, but in a new way. At all we are going to take part in a competiton which is based on presenting a work done it with computers in 3 languages, basque, spanish and english.


This term, the 2nd, we have been talking about various topics, such as biomedicine, genetics, food&health, pharmaceutical indrustry and types of medicine.
We did a presentation with each theme in groups. This activity was a bit boring and not to much exciting. 

 However, we also have been debating about how to stop the war. This was better than the previous one because with it, we could give our opinion and we could have been more creative.

At all this term was better than the 1st one.

lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016


  All over the world people are fighting and dying, suffering and sacrificing,every day and freedom from war has become the first essential of human right.
Much more is involved, of course, than the simple absence of war. But without peace a lawful relations between nations or to protect peoples against the war can't be applicated.
In the history of our humanity we have invented better and better weapons of destruction.Countries have become more and more dependent on one another for the things they need.A lot of countries all over the war waste a lot of money on armamentitistic inssurance. These are some of the causes that have made modern war so ruinous . Everybody has tried to solve the problem of how to prevent war but nobody understands that the war moves a large amount of money an created interest as oil or gas . They don't know what modern war really is.
People have tried before to find a way of preventing war, but they have not succeeded. If the problem can be solved at all, one thing is certain: It will not be solved without a lot of hard working. And it isn't enough to leave this hard working to a few statesmen. In a democracy these are not the people who impose the great issues. They can only beimposed  by the the majority of the population. And they can be settled  only if the majority are willing to think about them coolly and carefully and to weigh the arguments for and against any proposed ways of settling them.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016


Weapons manufacturer is one of the most importan reasons to keep wars going on. The cyber security industry is becoming the most important defence industry as cyber attacks are being deemed as one of the greatest risk to defence in the next ten years as cited by the NATO review in 2013. Therefore, high levels of investment has been placed in the cyber security industry to produce new software to protect the ever growing transition to digitally run hardware. For the military industry it is vital that protections are used for systems used for reconnaissance, surveillance and intelligence gathering. However, to protect the cyber world from attacks there are advanced cyber protection strategies used such as content, cloud and wireless security. These can be intertwined to form several secure layers.

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016


Lot of people is moving from Colombia to Ecuador because of the violence, drugs traffic and the corruption of the governement.
At all, people who is living nowadays in Ecuador feels more safe than before.

The economical problems of the Mexican population causes the movilisation of a large group of people to USA who has the Mexican nacionality. Those  people wants a better life: a house to live and a job with a minimun salary. They hope to find these in North American states.

There is aslo a problem with Sirian refugees in the Europian states.
Conutries, such as Siria or Jerusalen are in war and their population is oblogatet to meve if theis want to preserve their lifes.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

As we know, to be healthy and to have a good lifestyle we must have some  habits like having a properly diet or sleeping 8h per day. However, I have some ideas that I want to underline for havinf a healthy life: 
Eat Healthy: you must eat 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables per day and have a diet prenty of proteins. 
Drink Water: drink 1.5L of water every day, this will help you to expel toxines and fats.
Exercise Regulary: walking 1h minimun every day its a good exersise for you bones al muscles.
Reduce Stress: practising yoga or tai chi will help you for it.