lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016


  All over the world people are fighting and dying, suffering and sacrificing,every day and freedom from war has become the first essential of human right.
Much more is involved, of course, than the simple absence of war. But without peace a lawful relations between nations or to protect peoples against the war can't be applicated.
In the history of our humanity we have invented better and better weapons of destruction.Countries have become more and more dependent on one another for the things they need.A lot of countries all over the war waste a lot of money on armamentitistic inssurance. These are some of the causes that have made modern war so ruinous . Everybody has tried to solve the problem of how to prevent war but nobody understands that the war moves a large amount of money an created interest as oil or gas . They don't know what modern war really is.
People have tried before to find a way of preventing war, but they have not succeeded. If the problem can be solved at all, one thing is certain: It will not be solved without a lot of hard working. And it isn't enough to leave this hard working to a few statesmen. In a democracy these are not the people who impose the great issues. They can only beimposed  by the the majority of the population. And they can be settled  only if the majority are willing to think about them coolly and carefully and to weigh the arguments for and against any proposed ways of settling them.

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