lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Nora is doing the part from the research because Xabier the teacher told her to doi it. She learns biology at school so we though tha se would be the good student for do it. She has a lot of work to do searching for the medium average of the temperature precipitations mareas... from Cádiz and Donosti during the history. 

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

I am doing the part of the research . I'm going to compare the climatic conditions between our country and another country located outside Europe.
I will need help for seaching information about the clime of somewhere and also from here. Then i will do the comparaison by my self. 
I dont know exactly when I will have finished but I think that for the 25 of Aplir could be my part done. 

lunes, 4 de abril de 2016


I have to do a reseach about different types of climes and their changes all over Europe and I want to do a comparation between them. 
My partners have to work each in a different country and search for their clime, their pollution, their spieces... Fistly, we will work in pour clime, speciflicly in Donosti. Then, we will search for the chages in the history.
SEcondly I want to campare our clime with other climes around the continent.
Finally, Wwe will do a final conclusion with the changes.